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Step 1: A Few hours after you get home, remove any cling film applied by or tattoo artist. Gently wash the tattooed area with warm soapy water, ride and pat dry gently.

It is important to use a soap that's safe to use on broken skin.


Step 2: Now that your skin is dry, gently massage your chosen aftercare into the skin. Apply a thin even layer onto the new tattoo.

Don't go over the top! Putting too much on can suffocate the skin and prolong the healing process.


Step 3: you will need to repeat this process 2-3 times a day for the first 2 weeks. 

It is important to always wash the tattoo before applying balm/moisturiser. This is to ensure you don't trap any dirt or dust into the skin.


You'll eventually find yourself in the peeling stage Don't worry! Light peeling of the skin is normal.

Do no pick or scratch your tattoo.

After the peeling has subsided you can apply moisturiser throughout the day as normal to prolong the vibrancy of your tattoo.

Tattoo Aftercare
piercing Aftercare


Step 1: Using a sterile saline solution clean both sides of the piercing. For oral piercings, saline solution can be used on external areas and a non-alcoholic mouthwash to clean the inside.

Do not use contact lens saline solution or salt water as this is not suitable


Step 2: After cleaning, gently dry the area ensuring that it is completely dry. Take this to time to check that the tops of your jewellery are still screwed on tightly if using threaded jewellery.

Ensure that the piercing is completely dried after cleaning or showering


Step 3: You will need to repeat this process 1 - 2  times daily until the piercing is fully healed. Oral piercings may need to be cleaned more often such as after eating or smoking. 

Be Patient - Healing takes time and isn't linear. A piercing may look healed even when


Microdermal Piercings: Ensure that you leave the plaster on for 3 days after the initial piercing to allow the piercing to settle properly. If the plaster falls off please replace as soon as possible.


After the inital piercing the jewellery will have to be downsized to ensure that the piercing continues to heal correctly - each piercing should be downsized at different times so ask you piercer for more information.


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